- fellow traveler
- полит попу́тчик м
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
Fellow traveler — or fellow traveller is a term referring to a person who sympathizes with the beliefs of an organization or cooperates in its activities without maintaining formal membership in that particular group. In the early Soviet Union the approximate term … Wikipedia
fellow traveler — noun count 1. ) a person who travels with someone else 2. ) someone who supports a political party, especially the Communist Party, but is not a member of it … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fellow traveler — n. [transl. of Russ poputchik] a person who espouses the cause of a party, esp. a Communist Party, without being a member; sympathizer … English World dictionary
fellow traveler — noun 1. a communist sympathizer (but not a member of the Communist Party) • Syn: ↑fellow traveller • Hypernyms: ↑sympathizer, ↑sympathiser, ↑well wisher 2. a traveler who accompanies you • Syn: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
fellow traveler — fellow traveling /fel oh trav euh ling, trav ling/, adj. 1. a person who supports or sympathizes with a political party, esp. the Communist party, but is not an enrolled member. 2. anyone who, although not a member, supports or sympathizes with… … Universalium
fellow\ traveler — noun A sympathizer with a political movement who does not officially belong to the political party in question. Many Germans after World War II were innocently accused of being fellow travelers of Nazism. During the McCarthy era, many Americans… … Словарь американских идиом
fellow traveler — noun Etymology: translation of Russian poputchik Date: 1925 a person who sympathizes with and often furthers the ideals and program of an organized group (as the Communist party) without membership in the group or regular participation in its… … New Collegiate Dictionary
fellow traveler — Synonyms and related words: Bolshevik, Bolshevist, Castroite, Communist, Communist sympathizer, Leninist, Maoist, Marxist, Marxist Leninist, Red, Stalinist, Titoist, Trojan horse, Trotskyist, Trotskyite, avowed Communist, bodyguard, bolshie,… … Moby Thesaurus
fellow traveler — fel′low trav′eler n. gov a person who supports or sympathizes with a group or party, esp. a Communist Party, but is not a member • Etymology: 1935–40; trans. of Russ popútchik fel′low trav′eling, adj … From formal English to slang
fellow traveler — Hoa hele … English-Hawaiian dictionary
fellow — c.1200, from O.E. feolaga fellow, partner, from O.N. felagi, from fe money (see FEE (Cf. fee)) + verbal base denoting lay (see LAY (Cf. lay) (v.)). Sense is of one who puts down money with another in a joint venture. Used familiarly since mid 15c … Etymology dictionary